TensarTech Ares concrete panel retaining wall system
Location of work/project:
Lublin, Poland
Tensar International Limited
TensarTech® ARES™ concrete panel retaining wall system was the cost-effective choice for a new elevated arterial road in Lublin city centre.

Lubleskigo Lipca ’80 is a key road in Lublin city centre. As part of a major regeneration of the area, which included construction of a new 15,500-seat stadium and ‘multi-modal’ station, the area’s road network needed to be upgraded, which included extending Lubleskigo Lipca ’80 on a reinforced earth embankment.
After approaching several companies to develop a solution for the retaining walls to support the reinforced earth structure, contractor Dura Sp. z o.o. chose Tensar’s TensarTech ARES wall system.
TensarTech ARES comprises concrete panels with short tails of geogrid cast into them, the full designed length of geogrid is mechanically connected to Tensar uniaxial geogrids in-situ to reinforce the soil mass behind. A polymer bodkin connector delivers high connection efficiency without the concern for corrosion. The precast panels come in a range of surface finishes to suit project requirements. The result are strong, durable and low maintenance retaining walls with a design life of up to 120 years.
The TensarTech ARES system met the highway load requirements and, because precast panels were used, the walls could be built without the need for specialist equipment and were faster to construct compared to in-situ concrete. As a result, TensarTech ARES delivered significant cost savings compared with reinforced concrete walls.