Landfill temporary cover geomembranes reused on another site
Location of work/project:
Germany – Halle – Landfill Halle-Kuensebeck
Landfills go through phases: Filling, closure, settlement, final cover, and recultivation. Geomembranes make important contributions to these phases – including, the ability to be reused on an additional site.

Waste-Disposal company GEG from Gütersloh, Germany sold the temporary geosynthetic cover of their Halle-Künsebeck landfill on to another project, as the geomembrane, produced by NAUE, was still fully functional. GEG decommissioned the main Halle-Künsebeck II landfill in Bielefeld in 1999. In 2000, the rear area of the landfill was temporarily sealed with a 2.0mm thick Carbofol® geomembrane to prevent ingress of precipitation and to minimise seepage water at the landfill’s base. A geosynthetic temporary cover could easily achieve this. As such, the time for the amortization of the temporary seal was short and numerous leachate transports were saved. The final cover system was implemented, after settlement had abated. The three-layer final cover fully complied with Landfill Regulations. It consisted of:
• Bentofix® NSP 4900, a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), also known as bentonite mat, certified in accordance with the LAGA (Waste Commission of the Federal States) requirements
• Carbofol® 507 2.5mm Mega-Friction/MegaFriction, a BAM-certified geomembrane
• Secudrain® RZ 331 WDZ 701 RZ 201, a BAM-certified protection and drainage mat
The deciding factor for this solution was that the geosynthetic surface sealing is cost-effective and quick to install. The installation contract was awarded to NAUE Sealing. The temporary cover system was first removed to allow the areas to be graded. Here, GEG had the 15-year-old, still fully functional geomembrane Carbofol® cut out at the welded seams and sold on as a temporary cover for another landfill.
The sealing system with the Bentofix® GCL, the Carbofol® geomembrane, and the Secudrain ® drainage composite was then installed on the graded area. In the area of the berms, Secutex® RZ 2221 was placed as a geotextile protection layer on the geomembrane. The entire system was covered with a 20cm thick sand layer on which the final cover soil was placed.